Life Lesson 44: Comparing is Destructive


Comparing is Destructive

If you’re like most males, you waste far too much time comparing yourself to others. Which, in turn, has you thinking and wishing to be something you aren’t.

Host: Tom Hering

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
— Franklin D. Roosevelt

The problem is, such obsession with comparison really offers you nothing good in return.

We all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Where some guys are more physical and extroverted, you tend to be more brainy and introverted. It’s part of your unique DNA. And the plain and evolutionary truth is that we are all one-of-a-kind.

There are no exceptions.

Until you accept that, you will not succeed in anything you do.

This kind of thinking was part of my life for far too long. I’d say to myself things such as, “Why wasn’t my left-brain better developed? “Man I sure chose the wrong career path.” “Why am I not living that kind of lifestyle?”

Then I finally came to the conclusion that I had some unique talents. That I was a good parent, a good employee and a good writer. And when I rid myself of that comparison rut, I started to feel a whole lot better, both physically and spiritually.

So if you haven’t learned this critical lesson by now, it’s time to not only learn it but practice it as well.

Spending any time wishing you were something you’re not is an utter waste of your time. Do not let that kind of thinking rob you of life’s joy.

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Live well.

In my book 51 Life Lessons Every Boomer Male Should Have Learned by Now, I write about key lessons that I believe every evolved boomer male needs to know to make his third act his best. They fall into one of three categories: health, wealth and happiness. Each lesson serves to inspire and motivate you.


About Author

Tom Hering is a certified Boomer. Just ask him about his love for Shasta grape soda, fritos and VW bugs. By day, he is a copywriter and storyteller ( at his world hq in Portland, OR. Previously, he worked as writer and creative director for respected agencies in Seattle and Portland. Tom is somewhat fanatical about working out (practice what he preaches at, rooting for the Ducks and enjoying the proverbial IPAs of P-town. Hanging out on weekends includes hiking the Columbia River Gorge and cycling (a new addiction) with one of his sons and a few friends.

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