Fashion Discovers Boomer Women….& Men


Nothing BoomerMale loves more than Boomer women. Now it seems that the fashion industry has discovered that love, too, and are adding boomer men to the mix.

Goodbye Kardashian’s. Hello Boomers.
Jessica Lange, Charlotte Rampling, Catherine Deneuve, Anjelica Huston, Joni Mitchell, and Twiggy are all tapped for leading roles in brand advertising, even casual retail such as Gap. It’s all back to the 60’s.

Not to be outdone, boomer men are seeing a jump to the front, too, as Vogue explains. Neil Young represents the Supreme’s label, after a very successful introduction of the Pono audio system. Quincy Jones is styling in Buscemi sneakers (cousin Jon, not actor Steve).

What is driving grey to become the new black? Green.
According to AdWeek, brands have realized that the ability to buy drives the sale, not age.

In the U.S., where the average wealth of households including people over the age of 50 is $765,000, baby boomers reign supreme, controlling more than 80 percent of all financial assets and accounting for 60 percent of consumer spending. Worldwide, consumers over 50 spent more than $8 trillion in 2010; in 2020, that is projected to rise to $15 trillion.

So, we, as boomer males, continue to maintain the interest of brands at the business and retail levels, which will drive our kids crazy….but we’ve earned it, obviously.

*At the time of this post, Joni Mitchell is resting comfortably after being discovered unconscious at her home March 31, 2015. 




About Author

Mike started life as a Boomer and wholly embraces the concept, but is easily energized developing digital marketing strategies among the hordes of Gen X and Millenials generating startups or working in corporate environments. Along the way, Mike managed marketing, communications, events, channel programs, and other fascinating activites for Fortune 100 and 500 companies, many in the healthcare or tech markets. He spends his free time in mountain wilderness outside Portland, Oregon, usually with a camera or a local beer in hand, or playing drums and percussion in a local band.

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