Life Lesson 45: Set Goals


Set Goals

I remember my introduction on how to set goals. It was late at night and my parents, brother and I were returning from an extended family get-together. My brother, a second-grader, slept as my dad shifted the gears of our VW bus.

“The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are.”
— J.P. Morgan

Host: Tom Hering

After some small talk about family, my mom turned around to me in the back seat. She wanted me to know “how important it was to always have goals.” It was very much part of her German heritage and upbringing. And
through my fourth-grade ears, it came across as a critical part to doing anything significant in life.

Much has been written about “having goals.” From Tony Robbins to Bo Jackson, C.S. Lewis to Earl Nightingale, many motivational speakers and celebrities all have their own unique spin on goals. They say (far more eloquently I might add), if you want to achieve “x”, then you must have a goal.

My thinking goes more along the lines of “I want to be a better person than I was yesterday, than I was last month, than I was last year.” And it’s my belief that we are all here to be better people on the planet. But if you
don’t have a goal, then you have nothing to measure yourself against.

It really is that simple to me.

When I sometimes feel I’m paralyzed or not making any progress toward a grander goal, I’m reminded of Lao Tzu’s millenniums-old wisdom, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Even if that step happens to be an inch.

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Live well.

In my book 51 Life Lessons Every Boomer Male Should Have Learned by Now, I write about key lessons that I believe every evolved boomer male needs to know to make his third act his best. They fall into one of three categories: health, wealth and happiness. Each lesson serves to inspire and motivate you.


About Author

Tom Hering is a certified Boomer. Just ask him about his love for Shasta grape soda, fritos and VW bugs. By day, he is a copywriter and storyteller ( at his world hq in Portland, OR. Previously, he worked as writer and creative director for respected agencies in Seattle and Portland. Tom is somewhat fanatical about working out (practice what he preaches at, rooting for the Ducks and enjoying the proverbial IPAs of P-town. Hanging out on weekends includes hiking the Columbia River Gorge and cycling (a new addiction) with one of his sons and a few friends.

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