Coffee Drinking and Cut Liver Cirrhosis in Half


That’s right, recent research show drinking coffee may lower your risk of developing liver cirrhosis by 44%.

Coffee and beer drinkers the world over, and their livers, celebrate!

Over 1 million people worldwide die of liver cirrhosis each year, but adding just two cups of coffee a day substantially cuts the risk of cirrhosis. This was the result of reviewing 9 previous studies of 430,000 participants, 19,00 of whom had cirrhosis. Researchers found this effect in 8 of the 9 studies.

Cirrhosis can be caused by hepatitis, excessive alcohol consumption, immune disorders, and fatty live disease linked with obesity and diabetes. We still have to be careful about exposing ourselves to hepatitis risks, heavy drinking, and overeating, but the word is in that coffee cuts the risk across the board.

Unlike most effectiveness related substances, drinking more coffee continued to lower the risks in 7 of the 9 studies. This is a significant reduced risk of 22% in a single daily cup and four cups a day lowers the risk by 65%. And filtered coffee has a greater effect than boiled coffee.

What triggers this significant effect is unknown. There are known anti-inflammatory properties and those all-important anti-oxidants, but those are easily overridden by poor lifestyle choices. And don’t get the idea that this is a good reason to load your morning cuppa with heavy creams and sugars producing a mountain of wasted calories. Besides marking you as a jerk, while your morning Triple, Venti, Sweet, Extra Whip, Caramel Macchiato twice more each day may save your liver, it will wreak havoc on your waistline.

So what do tea drinkers like me do? A coffee allergy doesn’t necessarily put us at risk for cirrhosis. Tea has many benefits, we just need to get someone to review some tea drinking research. But coffee seems to have no effect when it  appears in ice cream or cake, only when in it’s in the typical mug form….

….quick, I need a pFriem Golden Coffee Ale, or a De’Nile Coffe Ale, or a Boulevard Imperial Stout Coffee Ale, or a McMennamins Onward Caravan Turkish Coffee Ale….the possibilities are endless!

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About Author

Mike started life as a Boomer and wholly embraces the concept, but is easily energized developing digital marketing strategies among the hordes of Gen X and Millenials generating startups or working in corporate environments. Along the way, Mike managed marketing, communications, events, channel programs, and other fascinating activites for Fortune 100 and 500 companies, many in the healthcare or tech markets. He spends his free time in mountain wilderness outside Portland, Oregon, usually with a camera or a local beer in hand, or playing drums and percussion in a local band.

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