Lesson 50: Happiness Starts with Gratitude


In my book 51 Life Lessons Every Boomer Male Should Have Learned by Now, I write about key lessons that I believe every evolved boomer male needs to know to make his third act his best. They fall into one of three categories: health, wealth and happiness. Each lesson serves to inspire and motivate you.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
— Cicero

While I was well-mannered and polite as a kid, I don’t think I ever had a conscious thought about gratitude.

It was as if I was sleepwalking through life at the time.

Now granted, this was a long time before the movie “The Secret” came out and all the publicity about the Law of Attraction that came with it.

But the truth is, it didn’t really take hold until my first son was born. He was eight weeks premature and both his mom and I were scared to death. He stayed in the neonatal unit for two weeks in a “pod,” as we called it, before coming home. Even then, we needed to have him hooked up to a heart monitor for three months while he was sleeping.

It was during this time at the ripe old age of 34 that I finally grasped the
concept of gratitude.

And it hit home big time. I was so extremely grateful for the health of my son. And once I acknowledged it, everything seemed right with the world.

I remind myself of that quite often when I feel things aren’t going my way. And I believe this quote from Bob Proctor, who starred in “The Secret” gives you the gist of how powerful the attitude of gratitude is.

He said, “The next time things don’t seem to be going your way, just stop what you’re doing, and think about all of the things you have to be grateful for. I know that’s a pretty tall order, but if you do it, everything will start to shift in an instant. Just like snapping your fingers. When you change the way you look at the problems, the problems will change.”

I’m here to tell you that the “attitude of gratitude” is not just a clever play on words. It is essential if you want to live a life full of happiness.

You can get the other 50 lessons by opting-in to right above or going to Kindle. Let us know what you think. Share your own lessons by going to our Lesson page.

Live well.


About Author

Tom Hering is a certified Boomer. Just ask him about his love for Shasta grape soda, fritos and VW bugs. By day, he is a copywriter and storyteller (www.heringcreative.com) at his world hq in Portland, OR. Previously, he worked as writer and creative director for respected agencies in Seattle and Portland. Tom is somewhat fanatical about working out (practice what he preaches at boomermale.com), rooting for the Ducks and enjoying the proverbial IPAs of P-town. Hanging out on weekends includes hiking the Columbia River Gorge and cycling (a new addiction) with one of his sons and a few friends.

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