3 Keys To Being Positive


What is the key to being positive when you feel like a failure? Like everything in life for we boomer males, it’s all how you look at things.  You’ve heard before but what we focus on expands. So if you’re thinking negative thoughts it’s more than likely you’re headed that way. Here’s a recent article from Entrepreneur.com that gives you some simple, you practical tips on how to keep your thoughts upbeat and 3 keys to being positive in light on something that feels like failure.

3 Keys To Being Positive

“If we give in and decide to play the victim card, negativity will eat us up and provide us with virtually no choice to move forward.”

– Max Mayberry, Entrepreneur.com

Being positive extends how long people live on this earth. Being positive creates thriving relationships. Being positive can turn very dark times into incredible blessings.                   boomer male, entrepreneur.com

Here are three areas where you should be more positive.

1. In Your Thinking: One of the main reasons why positive thinking has caught a bad rap over the years is because some people will tell you to just think positive and stop there. But that’s foolishness. However, when the positive thinking is paired with massive action, phenomenal things begin to happen. Don’t just think positive, be and act positive as well.

2. In Your Relationships: When you look to increase the positive relationships in your life, it serves as a springboard to thinking positively. It benefits you in more ways than just one.

3. In Your Expectations: When you increase the positive thinking, relationships and expectations that you have for your life and your business when all seems lost, failure will not get the best of you. As a matter of fact, you will actually get the best of it as you have decided to grow through challenges, not just go through them.

Let us know your thoughts. You can read the whole post here. Which if any of these have worked for you when you’re feeling less than positive. Share below.

Be well.



About Author

Tom Hering is a certified Boomer. Just ask him about his love for Shasta grape soda, fritos and VW bugs. By day, he is a copywriter and storyteller (www.heringcreative.com) at his world hq in Portland, OR. Previously, he worked as writer and creative director for respected agencies in Seattle and Portland. Tom is somewhat fanatical about working out (practice what he preaches at boomermale.com), rooting for the Ducks and enjoying the proverbial IPAs of P-town. Hanging out on weekends includes hiking the Columbia River Gorge and cycling (a new addiction) with one of his sons and a few friends.

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